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Děkujeme za přízeň v uplynulém roce a letech. Věříme, že i v příštím roce budou příležitosti ke společným setkáním, ať už v rámci platformy YMBSA, nebo..
CO SI VLADIMÍR FRANZ MYSLÍ o české hymně, o bulváru, o naší společnosti? Jak hodnotí současnou situaci? Jak vzpomíná na svou kandidaturu a prezidentské klání? Jak..
Co si myslí o bulváru? Proč nemá rád počítač? Co se mu podařilo vytvořit letos v ateliéru? Co ho čeká v nejbližší době?
Je to dva roky ode dne, kdy hned dvacet osobností kandidovalo na post prezidenta České republiky v první přímé volbě. Do souboje nakonec prošlo pouze devět z nich. Petici..
Prague 23rd April 2009 – Official meeting took place in Young MBSA office in Prague, several topics have been discussed. Peter Compel’ talked about aims and goals of Young MBSA, certain visions and plans, about current members of Young MBSA, membership (preferred age limits, occupation/natural persons; positions and importance on the market/corporate bodies etc.). Marketing strategies have also been briefly foreshadowed.
Majority of time was devoted to discussing mutually welcomed cooperation between YES and Young MBSA. Since there is no Czech representative in YES so far, foundation of Young MBSA was welcomed with gratification.
About Young MBSA: Young MBSA is a newly established association; it is non-governmental and non-profit group whose aim is to gather important and prestigious members and distinguished guests active in Management, Business, Science and Sport; and Arts. Young MBSA organizes two types of official meetings for all members and invited guests, plus several meetings for selected members taken place randomly. Once in approximately two months time a structured networking activity will take place, this activity is considered to be the most important one. Aim of Young MBSA is to establish a prestigious platform for young people (age varies from 18 to 40; exceptions are occasionally allowed) for meeting, networking, sharing and exchanging information and professional experiences, and enlarging horizons through a valuable both national and international network.
Representatives from YES and its national bodies will be welcomed to join our meetings as our honorable guests. Young MBSA welcomes invitation to attend YES Execom meetings in Madrid and Istanbul. Representatives of Young MBSA (president, executive director, members of board) will attend with pleasure.
Other forms of mutual cooperation and possible membership in YES will be discussed and specified later.