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Young MBSA on French-Czech forum for young entrepreneurs in Paris

Paris, March 11th, 2012 - Young MBSA on French-Czech forum for young entrepreneurs in Paris

Each year, an event dedicated to young people is organized by the Czech embassy in France in order to increase the awareness and cooperation between the two countries. This year, the event was dedicated to young Czech and French entrepreneurs. Young MBSA was represented by Pavol Compel, its delegate for France.

As expected, the event was very dynamic. It started at the Ministry of Foreign and European affaires, introduced by the forewords of Ms. Marie Chatardová, Ambassador of the Czech Republic in France and Mr. Pierre Lévy, Ambassador of France in the Czech Republic followed by the first set of presentations focusing on: 
- Aid to companies and support programs for companies from EU perspective 
- Request for proposals in France and the support for small and medium enterprises 
- Company incubators 
- Concluding agreements and partnerships under French and Czech law 
- Institutional support to exporting companies (presentations of CzechTrade and UBIFRANCE)

The first phase was closed by an intervention on the European debt crisis, its causes and prospects. It was carried out by Mr. Christian de Boisieu, professor at the University of Sorbonne and the President of the advisory body „Conseil d’Analyse Econonique“ which reports directly to the French Prime Minister (similar as the “NERV” in the Czech Republic).

After lunch, participants were invited to participate on a presentation of the project “Autolib” recently launched by the city of Paris at the beautiful sites of the Paris city hall. The aim of this project is to increase the efficiency of using cars inside and in the surrounding of the city of Paris. The heart of this project will be (at the final phase) approx. 3 000 electric cars open for public use for short distance transportation.

The final part of the program was focused on the presentations of certain participants among which was the presentation of Young MBSA, its networking activities and accomplishments. The unique concept of networking and the history of events presented induced very positive reactions from the audience giving ground for later questions.

This final stage of the program and the set of presentations were very important as some of the organizations presented share similar objectives as Young MBSA which gives grounds for possible future cooperation. The associations are namely: 

- CJD (Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants – Center of Young General Managers)
- JCI (Junior Chamber International France and Czech Republic) and
- ČSMPF (Association of Czech students and young professionals in France)


With the contacts established at the Forum, Young MBSA will start searching opportunities with these organizations and its representatives for future cooperation opportunities in France or the Czech Republic.

The Forum was crowned by a cocktail at the Czech embassy in France, one of the most beautiful embassies of the Czech Republic, where the Czech ambassador Ms. Marie Chatardová shared its doubts regarding the success of this event at first. But judging from the discussions, the variety of young motivated and determined persons and the value of the presentations, the Forum turned out to be a success and Young MBSA is looking forward to participating on similar events.


Futher news will follow as well as the photos from the forum and from the meetings. 

For more information about this issue and Czech-French cooperation please contact Pavol Compel, Young MBSA delegate for France  




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